
She held the necklace that Yvette gave her before she left the hospital.

"Sequere Eam." she chanted and soon saw a magical golden line that started to give her a sorted path towards the person she's looking for. She kept the necklace inside her pocket as she tucked her bag tight and started to walk towards the revealed path.

The place that she's tracking was way out of the crash site's location. It made her wonder how Jamie would end up too far from the crash site's location.

Clearly, something else has happened to Jamie.

She recalled how Yvette and she were fighting about how they were going to figure out what was happening.

"I need you to trust me." she started packing some things as they both left the hospital for a while.

"Kaheia, everything that's going on right now, has something to do with a very dangerous thing that all three of us are involved in. You don't know how much trouble this all is."