The Sacrifice

''Hmmm...Hmmm...Hmmm.." her morphed spirit was humming an unfamiliar song. As he hummed, they were inside a church where they had recently tied down a huge crowd of people attending a Sunday service. A huge crowd of about 500 people was inside, along with the priest's family. She could hear their hopeless cries.

Jamie is stuck inside her subconscious, unable to do anything.

"Did you know that we found it really satisfying when we see people screaming for their lives? Or just seeing how they react to pain." her physical self is talking, and she assumes that she's the one it's talking to. "Yeqon started it all. When he killed that family 50 years ago, that was the very first time that a crime was personally initiated by us. We used to simply whisper to human's ears about what they can do for revenge or just the art of having fun. But that, that was the most intense feeling we've ever had."

This devil is talking about that family's murder.