
The chilling wind of the night is what everyone would remember. The once humid night turned cold as a ray of light suddenly appeared in the middle of the greatest city of the nation. People who were nearby, started to depart the area, enthralled by the sight of the creatures that started to come out of the black hole from heaven.

Winged creatures started to appear and brought about every moving human being they could have their hands on.

Demons stuck in limbo for centuries started to devour human flesh.

"This could be the most harrowing event that humankind will ever imagine. Everyone is advised to stay at home. Weapons may be useless ladies and gentlemen but do whatever you can to protect yourselves." The news reporter suddenly shrieked as she found herself taken up in the air by the creature that just gotten out of the black hole.

The entire world is in chaos. Satellite telecasts all over the world started to fill TV screens with the scariest creatures ever known to man.