It's about Darius

She closed her eyes, feeling the cold bars against her back.

She could mentally escape all of this and get back to the limbo. But that wasn't a choice she wants to take right at that moment.

She can't get out of her reality right at the moment knowing that Darius would definitely be waiting for an explanation from her.

"Why not just escape for a little bit?" Gadreel whispered in her head.

She turned to her side, with her back against the officers busily working even in the middle of the night.

"I can't. Darius would certainly worry and my physical body should not space out during this time. I have to wait."

"Wait for what? A miracle?"

"No for a demon to just shut up."

"Don't turn on me now Jamie. That would certainly not help you."

"And you yapping in my head is definitely not gonna help me as well."

"Well, at least I am keeping you company. Your friends don't know what's going on with you so I guess I'm the only one you have now."