Detective Roland

"Hey, sorry I'm late." she struggles to sit down with all the camera bags she was bringing along with her.

"It's fine. We ordered you your coffee." Nola handed her the cup with her name.

"Oh God Thanks!" she instantly took a sip and closed her eyes as she basked on the flavor of the freshly brewed coffee against her throat. "God, this is like the best coffee I've had for weeks now."

"Doesn't the station have coffee?" Yvette wondered.

"Yeah they have, the crappy ones. Turns out, the state doesn't have enough budget for good coffee inside the stations. No wonder some of them underperform." She too another sip, "Well, at least I could still have some other kind of coffees with you."

She's been employed for almost a month now with Detective Roland. The pay in her contract was way more than she expected but it wasn't the only thing she was after. She wants in for the intel. Perhaps her joining Roland's teams would give her much access to finding Darius' father.