Hearing Loss

Kathleen looked over the report again wishing there was a mistake in her interpretation, finding none, she silently passed the report back to Dr Sullivan.

He instantly grabbed it from her hand and his eyes ran a quick scan over the report.

"It says here that sound waves are not being conducted to his brain." His forehead wrinkled in a frown.

"Meaning that he is suffering from post traumatic hearing loss, although temporarily," he analyzed. "This is serious. I didn't see that coming."

"Yeah it's indeed serious. Can we go and see him now?" Kathleen asked.

"Of course." Dr Sullivan placed the report in a green folder on his table.

"As soon as he woke up, we transferred him to the special ward on the sixth floor as you requested and the bodyguards you sent have been guarding him in secret. So, we will be heading to the sixth floor," he explained.

"After you then."