My Blood Can Go With You

At her father's sad look, Kathleen softened her tone.

"So what's the delay, they should go ahead with the surgery. There are good neurosurgeons in Luxembourg or is there any complication?"

"The thing is that he has a rare blood type and they've been unable to get donors."

Kathleen's lips pursed in thought. "But our blood type is Rh- null, also known as the Golden blood and can donate to other rare blood types."

Understanding Kathleen's meaning, Director Robin explained, "I would have donated mine but I was not allowed to because of my age. So…"

"I'm the only person we can count on for now." Kathleen concluded from where her father trailed off from.

He nodded, his mood was pensive.

"When is the surgery?" Kathleen knew what she had to do so she didn't beat about the bush.

"The doctor said, as soon as a blood donor is found, the surgery can take place."