I Thought You Were Way Wiser Than This.

The only person he was yet to give a final blow to was Linda and he deliberately delayed her fate till now so that she would experience the full impact of what it means to be plotted against.

"Do you think mummy will ever forgive you the way you are going?" Elvis asked.

Shawn raised his eyebrows in confusion. "How am I going?"

"You are too slow daddy." Eleanor answered.

Shawn: "…."

Eleanor held her father's arms with her two little ones and stared into his eyes with a serious expression as she said.

"Take my advice, daddy," she began as if she was about giving advice to her son.

"You should follow my mummy everywhere and make her see you everyday. You can even come over to live with us at Fairview Manor with the excuse that you want to be close to us. That way, Mummy will have no choice but see you everyday and get used to you."