He Is A Fighter

"What kind of complications, wasn't the bullet removed successfully?"

"It was, but this had nothing to do with the bullet. The complication is from his head."

"What about his head?" Panic threatened to consume Lauren as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Her mind went back to the pull of blood she had seen in church where Steffan's head had been when he was carried from the church.

With bated breath, Lauren turned to Steffan's family, their eyes reflecting the same fear that gripped her heart.

"We will need to take him for a CT scan to ascertain if there is bleeding or fracture on any part of the brain," she heard the doctor say.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and carry out the scan immediately, if anything should happen to him due to any form of delay, I'll hold you all responsible," she threatened with an aura that she herself didn't know she exuded.