You’re Getting My Brain Messed Up

"George has been there when I needed someone... You weren't here when I needed you most, and I don't know if you ever would be seeing you have someone who... I had to find a way to move forward, you know."

Steffan recoiled slightly as her words hit him. He completely ignored the part where she spoke about Dolly as there was a more important point which he focused on. 

"I wasn't there when you needed me most? Move forward? You're getting my brain all messed up. What exactly are you saying?" His voice was urgent now, laced with frustration.

Lauren flinched at the frustration in his tone and drew closer. 

"That's why I said it's complicated and this is neither the place or time to explain. Can we leave from here first?"

"Alright," Steffan said and closed the distance between them and the door. But Lauren grabbed his hand that was on the door knob before he could turn it open.