The Final Verdict

"I'd have loved to see her face when she is condemned, to probably life imprisonment. It would have been the best reward for all the trouble she had caused everyone. Maybe she might even give us an earth shattering display to last us for a lifetime."

Cheryl took a moment to consider Lauren's words, her mouth pouted as she donned a thoughtful look. "That can be arranged if you want."

"Really? How do you… don't tell me it's what I'm thinking." Lauren asked suspiciously.

"You seem to have forgotten that apart from being a legal luminary, I also have the very special identity of being the wife of Jason Wyatt, the only son of Director Robin Wyatt of 'The one and only Wyatt Corporations," Cheryl reminded with a proud look that sent Lauren reeling in a bout of hearty laughter.

"Now that you mentioned it, I suddenly remembered," Lauren said when she was composed enough to speak, "So?"