The Enemies

[Chapter 341 Comments.]

[DarkSlayer: Sir Theo! Speed run before your Spear disappear! Can you do it?!]

[Keltic_Spirit: I think you misunderstood my meaning for the 'world'. You hinted towards space before so I'm worried about another planetary threat's 'qualifications'... Otherwise, Kick their butt!!!]

The necromancer seemed to be panicking once Theo put on some pressure. The skeletons were fast enough to catch up to Theo as the latter continued his way at much faster speed than he originally thought. 

While destroying the skeletons, Theo glanced at the comment and replied inwardly, 'Don't worry. The time I have is more than enough.

'Oh. I guess not? In the end, this is a world of novels. Anything can be free but at the same time, it can be restricted by the author himself. 

'If it takes too much for the author, he will ignore them and just focus on one threat per world, which seems to be what he is doing currently.