
[Chapter 373 Comments.]

[Keltic_Spirit: It would be a nice change of pace if this fight develops in the form of a trial. Go on! You 2 can conquer it!]

[TheTavius08: Oh that's something i nearly forgot about.HAH told her I was telling the truth.Dont doubt Tavius I'm always right!(even when I'm not,but might makes right so I'm right!)But oh.. you don't know how right you are Theo.Cant even curse here.]

[DarkSlayer: So, Mia had jinxed before... Hence why my comment did not appear... Well played Mia, well played.)

Luca and Lucas stood firm, as though they had found a method to counter Elaine's power. As the master in controlling essence, Elaine could easily remove everyone that wanted to fight her as long as their control wasn't enough.

Luca and Lucas believed they were still not enough, but it didn't mean they couldn't fight her. If their abilities were something else, they might not be able to do it, but they had barriers.