"Queen Mother," He bowed and greeted and Elizabeth returned it with a good smile.

"I have not spoken closely with you since you returned and became Gabriella's knight." She said and Darkon wondered, what was needed to be discussed? Oh, seems he forgot he was Dario.

Children were always fond of grandparents and Dario must have been among them. Maybe, she was not happy Dario had not spoken closely with her and deliberately kept his distance forcing the old woman out of her room by this time of the night to meet him.

It was time again to play the part as Dario.

"You have grown into a man the kingdom has waited to see." She spoke putting him on edge to know the meaning of her statement. Was Dario a popular boy that the kingdom waited to see him grow? Maybe because he was close to the first princess.

"As a child then, Gabriella was always fond of you and you two engaged a lot in tricky plays." She chuckled.