Chapter 9: Heartbreak's Melody

Over the course of the next few days, Lucien found himself observing Blaise's peculiar habits. The first thing that struck him was Blaise's inverted sleep pattern. When he had fallen asleep in the afternoon after cleaning, Lucien just assumed he'd wiped himself out cleaning, but now he realized that this was not the case. Blaise usually slept from about 8 o'clock in the morning, and woke again around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lucien would often wake up in the morning to find Blaise only just going to bed, the curtains drawn tightly to keep out the sunlight. It intrigued him, this nocturnal existence that Blaise seemed to embrace. Lucien couldn't help but wonder what it was that kept Blaise awake while the world slept, and what secrets the night held for him.

So far, Blaise hadn't tried to seduce him again. Though Lucien was relieved that Blaise had ceased his attempts at seduction, his mind couldn't shake the memory of it. The feel of Blaise's silken skin against his, the delicate tickle of his breath. It burned up a fire inside of him just thinking about it. He couldn't deny the desire that still lingered beneath the surface, and that he was tempted just as much as Blaise was. Maybe even more.

Blaise had another concerning behavior as well that Lucien chanced to see one fateful night. As Lucien gazed out of his window, he caught a glimpse of Blaise sneaking out the house, across the lawn and toward the forest. Lucien's curiosity piqued, and he found himself wondering where Blaise was headed in the late hours of the night.

As he watched Blaise disappear into the darkness, Lucien's imagination wandered. Various scenarios played out in his mind. Was he escaping into the night to buy some illicit substance of choice? Or was he sneaking off for some romantic rendez-vous? That second thought made Lucien more jealous than he expected.

The following day, Lucien observed Blaise closely, searching for any signs of the previous night's adventure. To his surprise, Blaise appeared refreshed, his energy restored. His cheeks had a rosy glow to them, and his skin looked plumper than before.

Lucien could hardly bear not knowing the truth about these secret outings. What was it that Blaise sought in the dark?

Lucien couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that gnawed at him after witnessing Blaise's secretive nightly escapades. Thoughts of Blaise meeting a potential lover in the shadows haunted his mind, igniting a twinge of possessiveness he didn't fully understand.

What was it to Lucien if Blaise continued to be promiscuous? It wasn't his problem. Blaise wasn't his - Lucien in fact was the one who rejected him - but he felt possessive and jealous all the same.

The following day, Lucien mustered the courage to delicately broach the subject with Blaise. They found themselves alone in the living room, which was rare. Blaise was absent-mindedly drinking a cup of tea. Lucien carefully chose his words, trying not to sound accusatory.

"Blaise, I noticed you went out last night," Lucien began tentatively, his eyes searching for any hint of a reaction in Blaise's expression. "I was just wondering where you went."

Blaise's features hardened slightly. "Lucien, you don't need to concern yourself with it," he replied coolly. "I'm awake at night, and sometimes I get bored being cramped up in this house all day. You wouldn't understand."

So, that's the way it was, Blaise was not going to tell him. "It's only natural for me to wonder and worry about you," Lucien muttered.

Blaise's eyes narrowed, and he stood up quickly, cornering Lucien. "Are you planning to tattle on me to Troy?" he asked, his gaze searching Lucien's face for any signs of betrayal.

Lucien shook his head. "No, Blaise. I won't tell Troy. But I just want you to behave responsibly, to keep yourself safe. We're family now, and I care about your well being."

"Then stop bothering me."

The words stung. Lucien had been trying so hard to connect with Blaise, but he was making it so difficult!

"Fine," Lucien said, irritated, and left the room.

Blaise more or less ignored him for a full day after that. It wasn't hard to do. Indeed, it was often as if Blaise wasn't there, in part due to his sleep pattern. He kept to himself and his siblings in particular rarely saw him.

Lucien didn't want things to be strained with Blaise, but what could be do? Blaise was a little difficult after all; Lucien was starting to see where the rest of the family might have problems with him. Determined not to let it bother him too much, Lucien decided to immerse himself in his violin.

Actually, he hadn't practiced since a week before the wedding. Retrieving his instrument from its case, Lucien dusted off the strings and began to play, pouring his emotions into each note. The sad melody fit his mood perfectly and he became absorbed in the music. It was a piece he hadn't played for a long time.

Unbeknownst to Lucien, his soul-stirring performance had an audience.

When Lucien finally set his bow down, he glanced behind him on an instinct. To his surprise, Blaise leaned against the doorframe. "You were listening," Lucien said.

Blaise nodded, his gaze softening. "I couldn't resist," he admitted, a touch of admiration coloring his words. "That was a beautiful piece. I don't recognize it. Is it a famous composition?"

Lucien shook his head, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips. "No, Blaise. I wrote it myself," he confessed. "It's a song born from my own heartbreak."

Blaise tilted his head just a bit, face serious. "I had no idea you possessed such talent, to play as well as write music," he confessed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "And I didn't know you'd experienced heartbreak. I had assumed your life had been blessed until now."

Lucien's smile wavered, a flicker of sadness passing through his eyes. "In many ways, it has been," he admitted, his gaze drifting into the distance. Then he shrugged. "But like everyone, I've faced my share of hardships. It is what it is."

The memories of his past surged forward - the pain of his mother's passing, the scars left by his lover's betrayal, and the ensuing fallout... He carried those experiences within him, hidden beneath his composed exterior. He didn't like to talk about them, he didn't want pity.

Blaise, somewhat uncharacteristically, reached out and gently touched Lucien's arm, concern etched upon his features. "Cheer up, Lucien," he said earnestly, which surprised Lucien.

With a smile, Blaise turned and left the room, leaving Lucien to wonder at the change in his demeanor.

In the days that followed, Blaise no longer ignored him. Instead, he'd engage in light conversation with Lucien, usually in the twilight hours as Lucien was winding down for the evening, while Blaise's day seemed to just be getting started. He still worried about Blaise, though; what was the cause of his odd behavior? Why did his physical health appear to deteriorate sometimes, then restore like magic?

Lucien was determined to unravel Blaise's mysteries. He tried to convince himself it was only out of altruism, just to help Blaise. But as he lay down to rest, he could not get Blaise's beautiful face from his mind.

He had to admit it - he was infatuated with a Blaise.