Chapter 13: Hunted

The wolf's thrashes gradually became weaker and weaker, until it stopped moving altogether. Blaise pulled away, gasping. His sleeves and the front of his shirt were soaked dark red, and blood dribbled down his chin.

Lucien hadn't moved an inch since the attack started.

Blaise saved his life, Lucien realized. But... he was a monster!

"Blaise, what are you? What did i just see?" Lucien whispered.

Blaise's looked up at Lucien, then wiped his face. He stood, and Lucien tried to step away, slamming his back against the tree. "Lucien, please, let me explain," Blaise said in a quiet voice. "It's not what you think."

But Lucien's fear had reached its peak, overriding any inclination to listen. "You're a monster, Blaise!"

Blaise took a step closer. His eyes still looked like the cold, deadly eyes of a predator. "Listen to me, Lucien," he began. But Lucien didn't like the way Blaise reached an arm out toward him.

"Stay away from me!"

Without waiting for a response, Lucien turned on his heels and fled sideways, his heart pounding in his chest. The woods blurred around him as his panicked footsteps carried him farther away from Blaise.

Branches whipped against Lucien's face, leaving stinging marks in their wake. Tears mingled with sweat as he raced through the undergrowth, his mind consumed by the image of Blaise with bloodied fangs and predatory eyes. He was alive, thank God, but what would Blaise do to him? If he really was a vampire, he'd want Lucien's blood, too!

Each stride propelled him deeper into the maze of trees, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He could hear his own pulse pounding in his ears.

He didn't know where he was running. Was he going deeper into the woods or heading back toward the house? He slowed to a walk, out of breath, and tried to look around again. Shadows danced around him, playing tricks on his anxious mind. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sent shivers down his spine. But, he noticed, the frogs and owls and crickets were back to their normal chatter.

He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting to see Blaise's malevolent presence closing in on him. But the woods revealed nothing more than a black void, concealing any signs of pursuit. Lucien leaned against a tree for a moment to collect his thoughts, though his racing mind offered no solace.

He knew that he had to put as much distance as possible between himself and the horrors he had witnessed. But a thousand other things could kill him out here at night. He needed to collect himself before he did something stupid in a panic.

Rather than come up with a plan, his mind swirled with questions. What had Blaise become? How had he kept such a monstrous secret hidden? And most importantly, was Lucien truly safe from the creature that once shared his home?

The crescent moon only cast a pale glow through the dense canopy, and Lucien sat in shadows. But a ways off, it looked lighter. Would that lead him back to the house?

Cautiously, he stood and crept over to have a look. Lucien's breath caught in his throat as he stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in silver light. He looked around; it was just a small meadow surrounded by dense woods on all sides. The house was nowhere in sight.

Lucien stepped into the clearing. Was there another light, just ahead? This light looked warm and yellow. His hopes rose - it was a small fire or lamp of some kind. Something only a human would have. Someone else was in this forest.

But the light came nearer, and Lucien's hopes were dashed, replaced by a chilling realization. Standing amidst the moonlit glow was Blaise, holding his small lantern. His gaze locked with Lucien's.

Words failed Lucien. Lucien stepped backward, all his muscles taut, and whispered the damning truth that resided in his trembling heart. "You're a monster, Blaise. Stay away from me!"

Driven by terror, Lucien turned on his heels once more and raced into the night, leaving Blaise behind in the moonlit clearing.

Lucien's legs propelled him through the forest, his heart pounding in his chest like a wild beast. He could hear Blaise crashing through the leaves after him. Panic coursed through his veins, urging him to escape the clutches of his former friend.

"Lucien, wait!" Blaise's desperate plea reached his ears, but fear clouded his judgment. He couldn't bring himself to trust Blaise. He wasn't even human! He quickened his pace, his breath ragged, determined to outrun the nightmarish creature pursuing him.

But fate had other plans. Lucien's foot snagged on a hidden root, sending him crashing to the ground. Before he could recover, Blaise pounced, his hands closing around Lucien's shoulders.

Their bodies collided in a whirlwind of limbs and grunts. Lucien's fist hit with Blaise's jaw, eliciting a snarl of pain. He tried to break free, to wriggle out of Blaise's grasp, but the vampire was stronger than he looked.

"Stay away!" Lucien shouted, trying to wriggle free. Blaise was pushing him down into the dirt and leaves, and part of Lucien's body was now lodged against something hard. He could barely move.

Blaise's grip tightened around Lucien's wrists. "Stop panicking, you idiot! You don't understand, Lucien! I won't harm you. I've never harmed you! You have to trust me!"

Struggling against the vice-like grip, Lucien tried once more to get free, desperate to escape the clutches of the creature he once called his friend. He twisted and turned, nearly knocking Blaise off of him. Leaves rustled beneath his frenzied struggle, all while Blaise kept repeating over and over that he would not hurt Lucien.

Blaise's movements were swift, and he was energetic - probably on account of all the wolf's blood.

Lucien's strength was starting to give out. It had been a long night for him so far. And Blaise's words were starting to register. Deep within his heart, a flicker of curiosity burned. He didn't know if Blaise would hurt him, but he was the only person who could help him right now.

With a final surge of strength, Blaise pinned Lucien to the forest floor, his body pressing down on Lucien's. He had Lucien's arm twisted just so, that he could no longer move without threatening to break something.

Lucien stared up into Blaise's eyes.

"I demand you listen, Lucien," Blaise said."Please, let me explain. I won't harm you."

Lucien gave Blaise a small nod.

Blaise must have seen the change in his expression, because he slowly let go of Lucien's arm, then held his palms out in front of him, to show he meant no harm. Lucien sat up, still breathless.

Lucien's chest heaved as he leaned against a tree, panting heavily. Blaise sat a few feet away, his appearance hauntingly beautiful, yet unsettling. His canines glinted in the lamplight, stained with fresh blood against his pale skin.

"Explain," Lucien said quietly. His eyes locked onto Blaise's intense gaze.

Blaise move a little closer, his voice a low murmur, "I won't hurt you, Lucien. Believe me when I say that."

The words helped a little to quell the unease within Lucien's heart, and he sensed a sincerity in Blaise's eyes. He now wanted to hear what Blaise's explanation for the freakish turn of events would be.

"Tell me," Lucien urged, his voice wavering slightly.

Blaise exhaled, and ran a hand through his tousled blond waves. "I've never murdered anyone," he began. "By definition, murder is the killing of innocents. When I drink the blood of an innocent person, I don't kill them. And when I do take a life, I choose those who are not innocent."

Lucien's brow furrowed as he tried to comprehend Blaise's explanation. "So, you mean to say that if someone is not what you deem innocent, it justifies their death?"

Blaise shrugged. "Judge as you like, but the people I've killed - and they've been very few - all deserved it. I don't usually hunt humans, Lucien. I can survive on animal blood — deer, rabbits. A wolf like tonight is a rare treat. I'll be full for days."

So, Blaise wasn't trying to deny it. "You're saying you're a ... you're a...," Lucien whispered, his voice barely audible.

Blaise's eyes pierced Lucien. "Yes, Lucien. I am a vampire."

Silence enveloped the clearing as Lucien allowed the truth to sink in. Images of folklore and legends danced through his mind, colliding with the reality standing before him. How could this be? Blaise, his stepbrother, a creature of the night?

He once again wanted to run. Yet, as Lucien reflected, a glimmer of realization flickered within him. If Blaise had intended to drink Lucien's blood, he would have already done so. The opportunities had presented themselves over and over, and yet Blaise had shown restraint.

Taking a deep breath, Lucien steadied himself. He needed to understand. "Tell me, Blaise," he asked, both fearful and curious "How did this happen? How did you become a vampire?"