Black Case

Hi John, I'm sorry about your friend. If you want, we can..." "Leave me alone, doctor, please." "John, I know what happened to Michael hurt you, but..." "I said, leave me alone, Dr. Jameson." Dr. Jameson He sighed, "Okay, John, if this calms you down, I will cancel your treatment session today." The doctor said this and then left the room. It's been 2 days since Michael's death. During these two days, I locked myself in this room to mourn, and now I haven't slept for two whole days so that I don't get caught in those horrible nightmares again. But it's as if my vision is getting blurry, I'm getting confused, as if I'm going to faint, as if those nightmares are calling me again, and I'm so pathetic and weak that I can't save myself. I fell on the floor and fainted.

A 23-year-old young girl was running scared as if she was running away from something. She was desperately running away without paying attention to her back and while her face and clothes were covered in blood and her jaw was almost separated and hanging from one side of his face. And behind her, men in black and red hoods were running after her with weapons like scythes in their hands. That girl entered an old building where there were 6 doors in the corridor. The girl started pulling the door handles but the doors were locked. She desperately went to the last door and pulled the handle and the door opened. The girl entered number 666 door happily. She hid in the room and closed the door. She could hear men wearing black and red hoods walking down the corridor looking for her. After a few minutes, the sound of those people's footsteps stopped and they left the building. After about ten minutes, the girl left the room and tried to run away, but she had only taken a few steps when she heard a strange footstep behind her and stopped, and after a few seconds, she felt a hot and sharp breath on her neck. She tried to run away with his last strength but something seemed to stop her and suddenly she was lifted into the air. She screamed with all her might and then her body crumpled like paper and her blood splashed on the door of the same room and the small sign on the door of the room with the number 666 written on it turned red.

[John POV]:

After I entered the police station I started walking towards my office and when I got to the office door I looked at my watch it was 8:35 in the morning. It's strange that Edward hasn't come yet because he usually always comes to the police station before me. I was thinking about this when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the voice of an officer calling me. "Hello, good morning, what's wrong?" "Sir, we have a new case. And the responsibility of solving this case is yours." I took the case from the officer and then the officer showed military respect and left. I looked at the case, it was a case of theft from a jewelry store, and the owner of the jewelry store was suspicious of his student and claimed that the theft was the work of his student. I left the police station and got into my car and headed towards that jewelry store. When I got to the jewelry store, I got out of the car and went to the door of the jewelry store. The owner of the jewelry store started yelling when he saw me and said that why are you so late I asked him to open the door of the shop and he opened the door and I entered the shop. It was raining last night, that's why there were clean newspapers printed on the floor of the jewelry store. I asked the owner of the jewelry store when the robbery happened. And he also thought a little and answered. "Last night I was alone in the shop and my student said that he was sick and couldn't come and he took that day off, and because it was raining last night, I also put newspapers on the floor of the jewelry store last night and when I came back in the morning, I saw that the jewelry had disappeared. I am sure that this student's work is ungrateful and his illness was just an excuse to plan his robbery."The jeweler's apprentice kept swearing and begging and saying that it was not my job and I am not a thief. "Don't lie, it was you who stole the jewels, please arrest this thief and ungrateful kid as soon as possible." "Of course, sir, but before that tell me if the jewels were insured?" "Of course, all the jewels were insured and don't worry. I get the money from the insurance for the stolen jewelry.""Okay." I called the police department and told them to send the force, and after a few minutes, a police car stopped in front of the jewelry store. The student's eyes widened with fear and doubt when he saw the police car. "When you go to jail, you learn not to steal." When the police forces entered the jewelry store, I pointed to the owner of the jewelry store and said to arrest him. The eyes of the jewelry store owner widened in surprise. "What? what are you doing? My student is a thief, not me. Am I stupid to steal from myself?""When you answer this question in the police station, how did you put the newspapers that were just printed today on the floor of the jewelry store last night, and if after the police find the stolen jewelry in your house, If he didn't, then you can prove your innocence." The student of the jewelry shop owner smiled and told the jeweler. "When you go to jail, you will learn not to steal again." The police officers handcuffed the owner of the jewelry store and put him in a car and took him to the police station. I also returned to the police station and went to the door of my office, but when I turned the handle, the door did not open. I was surprised that Edward hadn't arrived yet. I went to one of the police and asked him. "Is Officer Edward not here?" "No, by the way, Officer Edward was here a few minutes ago but the colonel gave him a new case and he went to handle the case." "Okay, thank you."

[Edward POV]:

I woke up a little late today and I had to get to the police station quickly so I got dressed and started walking. After driving for a few minutes I arrived at the police station and entered and went to my office. I expected to meet John there but John there. was not I went to one of the policemen and asked him about John. "Excuse me, didn't Officer John come to the police department?" "Yes, Officer John was here a few minutes ago, but a new case was assigned to him and he went to solve that case. And besides, he asked for your colonel and ordered me to tell you to go to his office immediately if I see you."""Oh, thank you." I went to Colonel Frank's office and entered after knocking on the door. "Hello, Colonel, what did you ask me for?" Hello, Officer Edward, unfortunately, I do not have good news. Another body has been found outside the city, if we want to count this one, it will be 16. Officer Edward, I am entrusting you with the responsibility of this case and I ask you to solve the mystery of the murders and find the killer.""Yes, sir." I accepted the responsibility of this case and then I took the case and left the colonel's office. I left the police station and then got into my car and headed towards the murder scene and after about 15 minutes of driving I reached my destination, got off and headed towards the body and the person who was examining it. "Hello, doctor, can you understand what happened here?" "Hello, Mr. Collins, it seems that it was a 23-year-old girl, this murder happened in a horrible way like the previous cases, the victim's jaw was completely separated, her body was completely crumpled and crushed, and you can still see the sharp teeth on the corpse. so I don't think it's the work of an animal, because an animal can't crush someone like that, it's like putting the victim in a press machine, so I guess it's the work of a human.""And did you find anything else?" "oh, yes, a series of strange sign can be seen on the victim's body, which seem to have been carved with a knife." I carefully noticed that a six-pointed star sign with one eye was carved on the back of both hands and the victim's forehead. has been I went back to the police station to compare these marks with previous victims. And then when I entered my office, I saw John.

"Hello John, I'm glad to see you, how was your case?" "Nothing, a jewelry store owner who took the jewelry for himself and wanted to make this case look like a robbery so that he can get money from the insurance. What about you?" "I also got involved in the case of serial murders that happened during this time, now please give me the case of the previous victims, I need to check something." John raised one of his eyebrows and was surprised for a few seconds. He looked at me and then brought me the files of the previous victims of the murders. After reviewing the files of the rest of the victims, I realized that they all had one thing in common, and that common thing was the sign carved with a knife.

[John POV]:

I decided to go home after a few hours, but Edward said he wanted to investigate the murders more, so I agreed and went home. Everything was normal until midnight with the alarm. The alarm on my phone woke me up. When I woke up, I looked at the clock. I had set the alarm for 6:30 am , but now it was 3:33 am. Why did the alarm turn on? I was thinking about this when suddenly I heard someone's footsteps from inside the reception. I prepared my gun and moved towards the sound.

[Edward's POV]:

After John decided to go home to rest, I decided to do more research on the case I was assigned. After a few hours I decided to take a walk to rest. I went for a walk in the city. After a few minutes of walking, I saw a crying girl, almost 19 years old, who was standing next to a tall man, and that man was trying to force the girl into a car. I decided to solve this issue myself, but when I got a little closer, I noticed sign similar to the signs on the victim's body on the girl's hand, so I decided to follow them. So after the man managed to get the girl into the car, he also got into the car and started driving, I got a taxi and told him to follow the car. We chased that car to the outskirts of the city and then the car stopped and shook a bit. I told the taxi driver to stop and then we saw the girl fall out of the car and then a big man got out of the car and kicked the girl. And then another man got out of the car and opened the back seat, and then an old man of about 60 years old who was wearing a white suit and holding a cane got out of the car. I had a gun with me, so I armed it and told the taxi driver to stay here, and I got out of the car and slowly walked towards them. That girl kept begging and apologizing to that old man. I approached, raised my gun and aimed at them. "Police, kneel down now." The old man wearing a white suit turned to me. Sorry, but I think there is a misunderstanding. Oh right, sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Francesco.""Shut up and kneel." That girl got up from the floor with her remaining strength and then came and hid behind me. "I think you confused us with people like smugglers. Girl, come here, don't worry, nothing will happen." That girl held her breath and then shouted. "die!" "Did you hear what she said old man? Now kneel or I'll make you myself.""Hahaha, I like this policeman, hurt him but don't kill him.""Who are you talking to?" Suddenly I felt something lift me up and I was suspended in the air. I was in the air and that girl started screaming. I tried to shoot the old man while I was in the air, but my gun suddenly melted and I was thrown towards a tree and my head hit the trunk of the tree, and then my vision became blurred and no more. I did not see anything.

[John POV]:

I went back to my bed to go to sleep and the voice went out of my head and I looked at my phone and saw that I had 12 missed calls from Colonel Frank. I called Colonel Frank and asked him what was going on. It was necessary that the colonel called 12 times and he said to come to the hospital quickly. I asked the colonel if there was a problem and he said to come yourself, you will find out later. I went to the colonel's hospital and asked him what happened? He said that officer Edward was attacked and they were able to knock him unconscious. I was a little shocked by this news because Edward was armed and how many people were there who were able to beat him and knock him unconscious, and I asked the colonel about the place of this incident, whether Another one has been there, the colonel sighed and said that a taxi driver was also killed in a horrible way near that place. It is better to go to the forensic medicine and see for yourself. I left the hospital and headed to forensic medicine and arrived there after a few minutes of driving. I was very nervous, so I forgot to knock on the door and entered the cold house without knowing and saw the doctor. "You know there is something called door knocking, you just have to knock on the door a few times to let the other person know that you are coming. It's very easy." "I'm so nervous, I didn't feel like doing this at all. Can you show me the body of that witness?" "Of course, follow me. The witness was a taxi driver who was killed in a horrible way, actually pulling out all his body organs." The doctor and I reached the body of the taxi driver and I saw his terrible condition, the denial of the creature tore open his stomach, everything that was inside him, his body looked completely hollow, I thought to myself, what kind of psychopathic killer could do such a thing. "You know, I don't think an animal did this, but it's certainly not the work of a human." "Then what exactly are we on the side of?""I don't know." I sighed and walked out of the building. That's when Colonel Frank called me and He told me to go to sleep and come to the police station very early tomorrow. I agreed and went back to my house and the next morning I went to the police station as fast as possible and entered the colonel's office and saw two other people standing next to the colonel. "Hello, Officer John Williams, this is Colonel Arnold and Colonel Robert, and they are going to help us with this case." I gave them a military salute and saluted them and asked them if they had any information about this case and then Colonel Robert suddenly said "Yes, we know everything about this case and we know the creature that attacked Officer Edward Collins. A Kurd is neither human nor animal." "So what was that creature?" "A demon."