Mothers child

I shall call him shalom (God of peace)because he gave me peace.

Then everything went blank.

I could not see the people arround ,it like I found myself in another universe , I saw figure that look like a man . his holding a staff and his starring at a very huge cylinder, the cylinder is up to three and each cylinder has something inside of it.

I was able to see what was inside of it ,because it a glass cylinder ,very transparent.

Then I start hearing multitude of sounds and I turn back there was a lot of peoples beyond counting were worshipping the cylinder.

There is no way a religion diversity on earth does this ,and they're very weird ,because they are not humans .

Then I gaze back to the cylinder one of them has a lighting bolt inside of it, but how come the cylinder didn't cracked , maybe the cylinder stand as theirgods , the Trinity .

Just like the Christian on earth that serve the name of the father,son and holy spirit. Which we also know as the Trinity but one.

I didn't understand why am here and why am seeing this but It doesn't make sense to me . then I try to look what was inside the second cynlider but that same MAN I saw earlier appeared on my front and said .

"It was prepared for him to bring out parts of his unlimited powers But a being that has for seen the future will drag the powers with him and he shall steal part of it.

Sir are you referring to me I asked?. But the man just pass through me and appeared at my back .

What they hell !!! What just happen I walk to a figure and wave hi to him but it sounds ss if he did not see me ,or he actually didn't.

Wait am a spirit what happened to my body . I started shrecking like a unstable pothole that is dangerious for allian to cross over .

I start seeing myself back on earth this time on the arms of my mother patting my back then she said "what ever thing that is going to happened in the future ,I shouldn't forget to always Run fast to save the world,.

And a blood gushed out from her mouth and nose.What is going on , mom please don't leave me I scream.

In reality I muttered the same statement ,with my eyes wide open , and I saw multitude of stares at me . ken,sam, and the couples who happen to be my parent.

I promise I will never leave you , she assured me , and i rise to my feet and I am having a mix feeling , one am shoke know my parent and I don't know how to express my feeling to them that am happy to have them as my parent.

Mo... Mom I called ,and the name sound so strange to my hear, I hope I get use to it . am happy that you guys are my parent , and dad gave me a warm hug ,with tears tearssliding from his eyes did you know how many years I look for you , because am keep hoping that someday my son will return and it did , and am the most happiest father alive .

.then I withdraw from the hug and asked how did you find out ?.. And mom say through the the scare at you right forehead ,because it only our son that has it .

I went and hug them again am just so happy I did have a family..

On the other hand things has been tough for Lionel snart , he always have an uneasy feeling inside of him at times his entire system will be so cold as if his going to be freeze to death . but he kept it from himself he never told Vladimir , because he didn't feel like , because he didn't wand Vlad to be worry , because he was like a father to him ,he was the one who took him from the street ,when others despise him . then he flash back how Vlad took him in .

One morning he was coming from the mall with grocery and some drugs he bought from the chemist to give his mother .

On getting home he met his dad beating is mother so had , he was damn furious he just hate his dad

His dad has been matreating his mom , because of the last beating cause her to sick . that is why he went to the chemist to buy drugs for her . then he went and push his dad and take a bottle to hit him hard. And blood gush out from his head ..

That is how he save his mother .