Excerpt & Notes


..."don't go", she whispered, and that was all the invitation he needed,

In slow steps, he closed the gap between them and held her close but still examined her features closely. His eyes raked her body from the top, lingering on her perked-up breasts and then down her body, and he felt his throat dry up. Her tattooed legs, arms, and neck gave him a different outlook that he had never seen, and that added to the enticement. He patted her hand, "You'll regret this later on…. It's just the alcohol talking now." He whispered in turn, but his eyes continued their journey over her body.

"I know because I can't do this sober" The words came as a surprise, and it stung! Halting him momentarily.

"Ouch! You can only do this tipsy?" His expression fell, as did his arms that were holding her.

"Don't get me wrong; I do feel attracted to you. I mean, which girl wouldn't? You are the true definition of an 'eye candy'" she giggled sheepishly, "and we are married, are we not? …

…. At that moment, even if he had not known prior that he was in love, he knew then that he had fallen headfirst into Mirabel's pit of love, and there was no turning back!

He slowly closed the gap between them once again and raked his eyes over her body, swallowing a gulp. She was all his, ready for the taking…. He angled his lips, and they landed on the honeypot of her mouth…. A sigh escaped as he intensified the kiss! ...

*** ***

Hello :) and welcome, my lovely readers ;)

Follow on Instagram: loctovia_novels

1- This story is part of a WSA writing contest, so please support me, and I promise you that you will not be disappointed!

2-The world that this book is based in is fictitious and totally conjured from my imagination. Also, the book was written, proofread, and edited by me. I am bound to have made mistakes here and there, so if you see one, please do leave a comment about it, and i will get to it ASAP.

3- I would love to hear from you, so do drop your comments and reviews as well. They mean the world to me!

Please try to support the author by reading the novel ONLY on Webnovel

Also, check out my other books,

i- 'The King Is In Love' --- status-COMPLETED

ii- Twists of Life --- status-COMPLETED

iii- Aliya's Shoes ---- status-ongoing