Viewers and Observers (1)

Ashley was not the only person to have seen this glaring scene of the mother and son's entire display of love by the car. It should have been a sweet 'awww' moment for anyone, but this was contrary to the point based on the man in question, Jorge Trimshaw.

However, Ashley was the only one at that moment who felt like tearing out her hair for the simple fact that her 'man' had been stolen from her by a woman lesser than her, by all means, whether in looks, personality or popularity.

Also, the most important aspect was that Thalia Mirabel did not even have a 'number'. All of Jorge's dates took pride in themselves and were widely known by all who cared. In those circles, none seemed to have heard of this Thalia Mirabel Thebes who had now become Mrs Trimshaw unexpectedly; a position that they had all had craved for.

Ashley's manager and assistant exchanged glances when they heard the command that they had been given. The two sighed almost simultaneously in resignation.

They knew that they had to abide by the instruction, or Ashley might resort to her impulsive self again. If that happened, the two knew that they would have a higher mess to clean up than if they involved themselves. Ashley's van, a black Mercedes Executive Sprinter, lined up right after the black Rolls-Royce.

Ashley sashayed in her twelve-inch heels, which made loud click-clack sounds while exaggerating the reach of her hips and walked towards her awaiting ride with her manager and assistant hurriedly in tow.

Jake stood to the side as he wiped invisible sweat off of his face. "Why did the boy come out of the car?!" he muttered under his breath and ruffled his already messy hair in frustration. 'They already had a 'mess' to clean up after what had happened that evening and they did not need any more on their plates!' he thought.

Thalia Mirabel, who was on her knees hugging her baby, looked up and asked him, "huh? Did you say something?"

"Oh no, Mrs Trimshaw, I didn't utter any words at all," he quickly replied with a small, forced smile on his face.

Jake knew that he had his work cut out for him. Just a week ago, he was supposed to have been in charge of a large project that was eligible for millions, and now the boss had reallocated him to be a babysitter! With all his advanced education?

A simple sitter? He could never understand Mr Jorge Trimshaw… not that he wanted even to try to do that. The man was too complex to fit one person's scope of understanding. After all, which man would make such a decision and marry a woman with such a messy history and 'real-life' baggage attached to her?

Jake cursed himself with the direction of his thoughts, for it sounded harsh even to himself, but Jorge Trimshaw was the 'it guy', the one man who could have even the daughter of the president or monarch if they had one, and his in-laws would feel privileged to have him, but he chose this one.

Thalia Mirabel studied Jake for a bit, and that had him squirm on his feet. It was as if she could see through him and his thoughts! Jake sincerely hoped that she could not because one's thoughts were free to explore precisely because they were private!

He could never utter those words to anyone, even if his life were on the line, because he knew the repercussions. Thalia Mirabel tightly hugged her son and boarded the car with him in her arms to take him out of prying eyes.

The lobby that Ashley, Jake and Thalia Mirabel had used was somewhat reserved for private use, and as such, the fans and audience were not privy to this small drama that had ensued. That did not mean that they did not have any audience at all, though.

Isabella, the host of the Reveal program, watched all this from one of the glass windows on a higher floors as Thalia Mirabel boarded the car. A sly smile crossed her face as if she were enjoying an inner humorous insight.

"What has gotten you smiling this evening?" one of the technical directors asked Isabella as he approached from behind and came to stand by her. The man peered down the window to the slightly darkening atmosphere. Their workday was almost over, at last, he thought. He saw nothing, though, as both the Sprinter van and the Rolls-Royce had already pulled away.

"The new Mrs Trimshaw is quite remarkable and intriguing!" Isabella replied and turned from the window. Isabella turned and picked up a decanter on an opposite table and poured herself a glass of bourbon.

She paused a little with the glass halfway to her mouth, "I feel like we are going to have many epic moments in our show from Thalia Mirabel Trimshaw. I like her," she concluded with a nod and brought the glass for a sip of its contents.

The technical director laughed at that statement, "Well, if it isn't the awakening of our 'chief gossip and snooper'. You know, Isabella, you did pick the perfect job for yourself. I think that you should add a middle name of 'Gossip' to your name …. That would be the icing on the cake!"

Without waiting for an answer or a reaction from her, the man exited her office. Nevertheless, the remnants of his laughter stayed with Isabella, who now had a pensive look on her face as if she was critically pondering on something.

'The awakening indeed,' Isabella thought to herself as she stared at his retreating back. She took another swing of her drink and sighed in relief as she discarded her heels. Isabella started browsing through her phone, opened her email, and briefly glanced at one, in particular, a week old….

Isabella still remembered the euphoria she had felt that day a week ago when she had received that email, but it was all water under the bridge now. She was also glad that she had not shared its contents with anyone. It would be better to delete it, but she felt a little reluctant to do that.

She knew the contents by heart, but her eye just flattered by the part that said,

Number 'sixty-six' in bold lettering….

She closed it with another big sigh and thought, 'at least it was worth it … right?'


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