It seems like a long time ago (1)

***flashback continues***

Charles sprang into action and ran in the direction the girls had taken. But either he had remained in his thoughts for too long after they had passed, or they were very fast on their feet. He leaned more towards the latter and searched frantically for the duo. He was pretty meticulous and absurd in doing this.

But Charles could care less about anything. At that point, all he wanted to do was to find the two girls! After he had searched for close to an hour, he sat down on a public lovers' bench with his forehead against his palm and thought back to their brief encounter.

Then it hit him! he could 'guard' the most prominent entrance and exit, and she may use the same place to exit… eventually. That would only be possible if their encounter was meant to be because he would be delusional in thinking that the two girls might use the one he had chosen among the many exits.

The university was too big for him to search for a person whose name he did not know. Raising his wrist to check the time on his Rolex watch, he noticed that another hour had passed again, and he had only visited and searched the administration and two other faculty blocks.

"Just how big can this place be?" he rubbed his hands frustratingly through his hair. 'If the world and stars are on our side, I would meet her again'. As these thoughts ran through his head, he made a call to his driver and informed him that he was not yet ready to leave. Then he walked to one of the small public benches near the most significant exit at Milas University.

He pulled out his phone, started scrolling, and randomly looked at different apps to pass the time. If he was lucky, it might take him a long time before she passed by or a shorter time. 'I might as well make myself comfortable,' he reasoned with himself.

He sat from the afternoon till close to the evening with no indication of leaving when he finally heard that voice again. The same two girls giggled excitedly and approached from a distance: just then,

"Look, it's the freak again!" the blond girl whispered to her friend. The other shushed her friend, and they quickened their steps to leave his vicinity, but Charles heard this loud and clear. Instead of getting annoyed by being called a freak by the girl, he got up and hurried after them,

A little breathless, he replied, "Yes, I am the freak. I am also pleased to meet you, beautiful ladies. My name is Charles … Charles Wanky. May I know your names? … please?"

His gaze was totally focused unwaveringly on the black-haired girl even though his words were addressed to both. The dark blond girl pinched her friend and gave a knowing look.

The black-haired girl who had caught his eye gave him a rundown look and replied, "I do not talk to strangers, so I cannot give you any of our personal details."

Charles hung his head as a sad look crossed his face. He was like a child whose puppy or candy had been taken away from him. In the next second, he froze in shock as the girl asked, "Are you stalking us? Like my friend, I am beginning to think that you are a creep. Is this what you do with every girl you meet?"

'Wasn't she blowing things out of proportion a little too much?' he asked himself, but at the same time, he felt that she looked cute when she reprimanded anyone.

At that moment, Charles knew that he must have the girl and started thinking of ways to up his game. The thing was that Charles had never been interested in anyone sexually. Not even once in his life, so he probably looked like he was fumbling his way through what was happening in front of him. He was very determined to get to know the girl in front of him by hook or crook.

One would ask how Charles knew that he was in love when he had never been attracted by anyone in his life then, but his answer would always be that he knew deep within his gut that she was the one.

The girls hooked their arms together again and turned to leave him, but he moved and stood right in front of them. They exchanged a look that was like, 'What is with this guy?'

"I get it that I am a stranger to you, but I have already introduced myself. I came on a campus tour and have already applied for a Management Major. I really like you and want to get to know you better," he spat out the words hurriedly as if afraid that the girls would take their leave while he was in the middle of the conversation.

The black-haired girl sighed and replied, "Thank you for your words, but as I said, we do not know you, nor do we care about knowing you, so please let us pass."

Charles's face fell, and he moved aside, but whatever it was, as the girls passed by him, she stopped and said, "It was nice seeing you. We also applied to the Fashion and Décor Institute. If it is meant to be, we will definitely meet again. If we do, I'll give you my name then." She winked at him, and then the two girls quickened their pace.

Charles brightened up when he heard the girl's words directed at him. Even though he heard her in a much lower tone to her friend, "He seems really bizarre", he was not perturbed; instead, he shouted after the retreating backs of the two friends.

"We will definitely meet because I know that you will get 'the admission'!" He felt so giddy that he had not realised that he had garnered attention with people looking at him weirdly. He thumped up his fists in the air and jumped up in happiness while shouting, "woohoo!" 'At least now he knew where to look for her,' he had thought to himself then.

… and he did just that. Even though it was tough in the beginning…


Thank you so much to all for your votes and comments! I hope we can keep it up ^_^

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