Number 22 (1)

Back in the central city of Milas, Hiddenburg, that same evening, and in Trimshaw's Industries, a different but similar commotion was happening there. This commotion started in the form of a visitor to their reception.

The Trimshaw Industries' main office was located in a conspicuous place and, one would say, the central hub of Milas.

One could never get used to the Trimshaw headquarters. The building was gigantic, with its architecture and designs one of a kind. The building architecture itself was like a small plateau that had a gigantic dome on it.

From afar, it looked like an empty mirror-like snow globe that reflected the objects in its environment. On the inside, it was almost like one had stepped into a luxurious real-estate showroom in a movie. The tiles on the floor were patterned and polished to a brilliant shine always.

The ceiling was so high up that one wondered how they even cleaned it, for it always remained spotless and clean all year round. There were intricate and delicate varying shapes carved into the ceilings, but they had a realistic feel to them when watched from afar. It was made of polished wood with a naturally marbled surface.

On the walls were paintings of famous artists ranging from 'The Kiss' by Gustav Klimt in 1908, the 'Mona Lisa' by Leonardo da Vinci, 'The Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh from 1889, 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' by Johannes Vermeer, dated 1665, and many more. These were the kind of paintings that one would find in a collector's abode. The hallways were just a collectors' heaven and dream-come-true walkway. Just one of the paintings could buy an average house for a middle-income earner or even for a high-income earner in some cases.

Interestingly, these paintings were left out in the open … but they looked seemingly so because, upon closer look, one would see a protective glass barrier all over the walls preventing people from touching them. Not that anyone could, in any case. Because the paintings were high up on the walls, above the average reach of any person.

Also, every corner of the place and every door on all floors needed an access card with matching permission levels. This meant that the place was not open to the public but to workers and their customers only.

People strived to get even a 'cleaner' job at Trimshaw Industries, but not many could. Mr Trimshaw gave his employees the best of benefits and 'pay'; in return, he required absolute dedication and loyalty. Even the sanitary and cleaning staff underwent three to six months of in-house training before they were granted the job.

Security at Trimshaw Industries, including the headquarters and sub-locations, were really tight. The guards also underwent military-level training at Trimshaw Securities – a sub-company created by Jorge Trimshaw for this purpose.

Trimshaw Industries was involved in many forms of business activities like building and lumber supplies, planning and architecture, but they had started with Real Estate Development, which was what they were most known for.

No company in Hiddenburg and beyond could compare to Trimshaw Industries then. In Milas, Hiddenburg, it was almost like they owned it all, but all this was the work of one man, Jorge Trimshaw. Even though he had inherited a fortune and the company, it was he, who had scaled it to its current state… all on his own. He just had a knack for business.

Jorge had inherited the company almost fifteen years back when it was just a real-estate entity, but Jorge had a bigger vision for the company and had seen it through despite the resistance he had faced with the board.

When one entered the premises, the person would be greeted with a large foyer that served as the reception. The high ceilings in this space made it seem more significant than it was, even though it was huge in its own merit.

This also complimented the beautiful chandelier that hung in the centre of the reception in a T shape, with a circular spiral of lights around it. Five receptionists were on duty at each point in time, notwithstanding the time of day, as they also served international clients.

The essential qualification for each secretary or receptionist was speaking at least and writing five different languages. They were the epitome of excellence and perfection!

Even though gossiping was frowned on at work, the jaw-dropping chatter that the Reveal show had dropped on them was too much for them to sit still.

A beautiful secretary who had her hands clasped in front of her turned to her colleague, "Psst! Do you think that the rumour is true that he is married?" Ashley had tons of followers and fans, and so many people had watched the reveal show that evening.

The secretary on her right turned, "What rumour? The wife in question confirmed it herself, so I guess it's a fact?"

The one on her left sighed loudly, prompting the two in conversation to turn to her, "Why do you believe this ridiculousness? This is the first time someone has been bold enough to make such an unfathomable claim. The lady is just a crazy one who decided to do this on that show… Besides, it's just a gossip show an-"

Another secretary interrupted her, "Before you go on, think about this…. The office of our CEO did not release any statement to deny this claim made by the woman. Our PR office is the best, which is why no program has dared to take on any news about our boss unless they want to shut themselves down!"

The secretary added the last part to herself, "…even though I think the playboy gene is engrained in him too much to be erased by this!"

The secretary closest to her smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

All the secretaries kept quiet after this statement because they all knew that it was true. But did the boss, the most notorious playboy that had ever existed in Milas, Hiddenburg, really get married?

As they mulled over this, and as the day grew to a close, an unexpected visitor came to the headquarters reception wanting to be directed, in particular, to Jorge Trimshaw's office…


Thank you so much to all for your votes and comments! I hope we can keep it up ^_^