Number 22 (3)

Outside the office, the elevator dinged, and one secretary stepped forward in front of her desk to welcome their visitor. That whole floor was reserved for the use of Jorge. Anyone else that occupied that floor was his direct subordinate, including his assistant, Ryan, and all the other secretaries that worked for the executive office.

Rachael, who was getting impatient, then stepped out with her pink suitcase still in tow. She was also already fuming from her encounter with the receptionists downstairs and was in no mood for any gimmicks from anyone. Rachael's sharp heels announced her presence before she appeared herself. The same secretary who had stood up earlier greeted the visitor with a smile,

"Welcome; how may we be of assistance today?!"

Racheal almost threw up her hands in anger. "What is with you people today? Don't you communicate with each other? Didn't I speak with one of you downstairs a moment ago?"

The thing was that Rachael had no appointment, and she had snubbed the receptionist who had been providing her assistance earlier. Had she waited to listen to all instructions, she may not have had to deal with the personal secretaries of Jorge Trimshaw when Ryan was not available to receive her.

The secretary's smile remained as she stood directly in front of Racheal and waited for her to talk. Rachael let go of her suitcase and ran her hands through her hair in apparent frustration. This gesture would have created a mess of it but with a beautiful girl like Racheal, her hands just re-arranged her curls, making them look even more lovely than they were.

'How hard was it to see him? I have travelled from afar and just came here directly from the airport to see him, but what is with this?' Racheal thought to herself.

She, in fact, had come to Milas to see Jorge Trimshaw on a professional basis. Rachael and her team did have an appointment, but that was for the day after. She had left her team at the airport as she could not wait to see him! Rachael had enjoyed a splendid weekend with Jorge the last time she had visited Milas as number twenty-two on his 'list' of girlfriends, and she had never forgotten the good time she had spent with him.

However, this was almost a year prior, and Jorge never kept in touch with any of his exes. Rachael obviously was not aware of this and had run many scenarios in her mind on what may have happened. She had tried calling him several times and sending uncountable emails but received no reply.

At her wit's end, she jumped at her company's task with Trimshaw Industries as the only chance to make things okay. Racheal thought that as long as she saw Jorge Trimshaw, he would remember the 'good' time they spent that weekend, and they would take it from there!

"I am here to see Jorge! I have already told that witch of a receptionist ALREADY!!!"

The secretary rolled her eyes internally and replied to her in a soft voice,

"Welcome, once again, Miss. If you would take a seat there, I will inform Mr Trimshaw of your presence. It will just take a few moments …."

"Bugger off!"

"What?" the secretary was baffled by the words uttered, but before she could react, she was pushed aside by Rachael as she headed straight for the office as if she already knew her way around, which she did because that was not the first time, she had visited the Trimshaw Industries, but even though she knew Jorge's office, she had never entered it ever!

The secretary reacted in time and quickly went after her, "Miss, you can't go in!"

However, Racheal turned slightly, "I AM his girlfriend!" she screamed. The secretary whispered, "…, and so are half the women in this building!"


In the office, Ryan, who had tried but could sometimes not fathom his boss, still could not mask his surprise when Jorge Trimshaw replied, "Who is she?" Upon his answer,

Jorge added, "Aaaah! That lady?"

He leaned back in his chair and twirled a pen in his hand as if lost in some fond memories of his. His puzzled expression turned to a passive smile. This was his signature smile for all the ladies; it usually worked like magic! As quickly the smile grazed his lips, it disappeared, and his 'professional mode was turned on.'

Jorge was usually one to stay late as he prioritized his work above all; that is, if he did not have any date, which was more often than some people would like. But Jorge liked to live his life the way he wanted: free!

Never mind about that. I don't care about that person. Give me an update on the Rye listing," Jorge asked,

Ryan, who was used to this, gave out the summary without even consulting his tablet, which was in his hand. "The deal has been closed for forty-four million as of an hour ago. We-"

Ryan was interrupted when the door of the office flew open with an angry and frustrated Rachael storming in and an exasperated secretary behind her trying to stop her unsuccessfully.

"I am sorry, Mr Trimshaw, I tried to stop her…." The secretary had wisely kept a large gap and had not stepped into the office after the crazy lady.

Ryan dismissed her with a wave of his hand, and the girl gratefully scrambled away, grateful that she had kept her job.

Both Ryan and Jorge watched as the all-pink blond girl left her suitcase at the door and rushed towards Jorge on his seat, oblivious to the frown on his face.

Rachael was so happy to see him once again. A wide smile graced her face as she literally threw herself into Jorge's arms as he got up from his seat to walk up to meet her. Racheal wrapped her legs around him and supported herself by wrapping her hands around his neck and kissing him.

"Mmmmmm…." She echoed out as she tried to pry his mouth open, but Jorge remained as a statue with his arms dangling by the sides of his body. He made no attempt to respond to the kiss nor move his arms to support her.

Rachael frowned a little when she thought back to how he had kissed her that weekend almost a year ago, but it felt a little different this time. 'Was it because it had been a while?' she wondered at the back of her mind, but then she smiled against his lips, "You are just playing hard to get right? Does that excite you?" she whispered against his lips,

Encased in her own world, Rachael interestingly thought that Jorge was as excited to see her as she was despite all the not-so-subtle signs, and she instead sighed in relief. But that was short-lived, as Jorge asked with a stern look when she pulled back a little to look at his face,

"What can I do for you, Miss?"

Rachael loosened her grip a bit with a perplexed look on her face,

'What was going on?' He looked as charming and sounded as gentlemanly as she remembered, but something was definitely off. 'Was he not happy to see her?' she wondered,


Thank you so much to all for your votes, reviews and comments! I hope we can keep it up ^_^

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