First Meet (1)

The following day dawned bright and crisp. The budding daylight peeked through the drapes and woke Thalia Mirabel up.

She gazed at her sleeping little boy with a thankful heart. This was the eighth consecutive day that she had slept and woken up with him in years past, and she planned to cherish every moment with him from then on because such gifts were just too precious!

She put on her short jeans from the previous day and donned a purple T-shirt this time. Holding her midnight mid-back hair in a bun, she put her bare feet in a slipper and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

She finally found the kitchen and the dining area with a bit of difficulty. Thalia Mirabel did not want to bother anyone, so she had not used the telephone in her room as suggested by Mr Benny.

Besides, she had nothing to do anyway and needed to get familiar with her new environment. But she stopped short as she found the man of the hour; her husband seated in the dining area with a tablet in hand and an absorbed look on his face.

How did she know that he was her husband when she had never seen him? It was quite simple. The man sat on the chair like a magical being and like one who owned the place. His whole person exuded ownership and dominance!

As far as she knew, they, Collin, her, and Jorge Trimshaw, were the only people in the building, including the servants, and … he looked nothing like a servant. Lastly, the description that had been given to her so far on the Reveal show was so accurate that she knew upon the first look that the handsome drool-worthy man seated at the table was the contracted husband she had referred to as a jerk!

But on the other hand, she thought, 'what a sight to be greeted with first thing in the morning!' The peeking daylight rays cast a glow behind him, causing a shimmering brilliance.

His breathtaking and mesmerizing face was so focused on whatever he was engrossed in reading. He slowly raised his eyes to meet hers when he heard the slight footsteps. His shimmering eyes were like blinding northern lights and perfectly complimented his long, slightly curled lashes.

The man's pupils were a similar hazel colour as hers, only much richer in colour with depth that ran so deep as if all secrets were safe with him. His strong jaw was just like a sculptured artwork on full display in a park on a bright day, with the tall nose and thin lips that completed the art of work in front of her.

No wonder the ladies could not resist him, she thought to herself. He had on a pyjama bottom and a bathrobe that hung open, revealing his bare, firm chest. Her eyes continued their descent and raked his muscular muscles and lean lips.

'Damn! Absolutely sculptured to perfection!' She thought as she gulped softly and brought her eyes back to his, only to see a classy smile on his face, "It's all for you, my dear. I am glad that you approve of what you see, and I passed your test. Take a seat, my dear wife" he smiled invitingly at her. "You look breathtaking this morning." He added with a wink that caused her to tinge rose.

Jorge Trimshaw was a handsome man, and he knew it! He, therefore, had an air of arrogance around him, but this did not dim any of his positive characteristics at all.

In fact, he embraced everything about himself, including the negative and positive traits; in his own words, 'That is the whole embodiment of Jorge Trimshaw. Taking anything out would result in another personality that was not him!'

Jorge was a morning person and had gotten himself a cup of coffee that early to check the financial news and others. He also liked to watch the sunrise when he could. One could say that he was an absolute romantic. I mean, how else would he have had an avalanche of women around him if he was not?

He was a little surprised when he saw his new wife that early in the morning. But at least he could have some time with her alone, … but what a way to meet for the 'first time!'

He noted the expressions on her face when she saw him from surprise, awe, admiration, and others he preferred not to delve into. 'But the woman sure knew how to mask her emotions,' he thought. He was only able to see all these because she did not know that she was being observed.

While her eyes had been engaged on and raking his body, he had taken advantage, and his eyes had been busy as well… The woman was just splendid. Even in the early morning, when she had no makeup on and had just messy morning hair, she still looked lovely to him.

Everything about her was like a wildflower with thorns. She was the perfect description of a wild exotic rose that was so pretty to look at, but one had to be careful of its thorns. She had no visible fat on her one bit. She looked firm in the right places and soft in others.

Thalia Mirabel looked tall and lean. Her long legs were on full display for his eyes to feast on because of her choice of clothes that morning. She looked docile on the surface, but he knew that it was just a façade. But she looked serene for a change, and that at least warmed his heart.

For someone who had gone through what she had, he would expect no less. For he knew her. He really knew her all inside and out. Her glistening hazel eyes also gave her a vulnerable look, but Jorge knew that for Thalia Mirabel Trimshaw, that was where the vulnerability ended. She may have been vulnerable in the past, but life's experiences had hardened the girl up almost cruelly.


Thank you so much to all for your votes, reviews and comments! I hope we can keep it up ^_^