Why did you choose me? (1)

"Whoa! You really are a curious one, aren't you?" Mirabel held her gaze on Jorge now that he had no distracting abs. To Mirabel, if there was a problem that she could not solve nor understand, it would stay running through her mind until it was resolved, so she just waited.

"All right, I get it! The first and third questions may take a while to explain. But I think explaining that would somewhat give you closure of the last question as well. I'll tell you a story that will sum up everything. How does that sound?"

Mirabel nodded at him and made herself comfortable on the settee, folding her long beautiful legs underneath her.

Jorge leaned his head back with a faraway look and started,

"… it must have been in at the start of the year or late last year when Trimshaw Industries decided to embark on more charity ventures. We were already involved in various foundations, volunteering and 'giving-back-to-society ventures.