Why did you choose me? (3)

In a room filled and bustling with people, it sounded like a vague question to the warden, so she asked, "Who?"

"Thalia Mirabel Thebes,"

At that time, he had uttered the name; if Ryan, his assistant or his best friend, John, had been around, their eyes would have popped out of their sockets! Jorge Trimshaw, of all people who never mentioned or even remembered his mother's name nor that of any other woman, had actually mentioned a name of an unknown woman.

Not just her first name; but her first, middle and last names. What had happened to their friend?

Jorge himself was surprised that he had mentioned it that fluidly as if it was an everyday name for him, but he had only heard it that day, the month prior, when the warden had mentioned it.

The funny thing even to him was that he had never been able to get that name out of his mind, especially 'Mirabel,' it sounded so melodic to him.

"Oh her?" the warden inquired for confirmation,

Jorge nodded and asked once again,