Two places at once

While this was going on, Jorge turned a blind eye to it and was only interested in wooing his new wife. Jorge never really cared what other people thought; Jake and Ryan, the two assistants of the Trimshaw couple, however, were getting frustrated as they could not put any news out there without authorisation.

A couple of prominent news statements came out that made him act, in any case! One stemmed from Ashley! After she had put her manager and assistant to work over several days, they did not uncover anything about Mirabel Thebes nor the boy she had seen her with.

Ashley never talked of this fact in her interviews because she wanted concrete proof, which was proving to be difficult to unearth. That was all because Jorge had ensured that people would not find out anything about his new family. He knew how Mirabel appreciated her privacy and made an effort for her to feel safe and to come out into the limelight when she preferred.