The Date (2)

Getting no response but a seemingly blank look from her son, Joy asked again,

"Are you all prepared and ready for your date?"

A slightly irritated look crossed his face momentarily, which Joy ignored. She was used to getting her way with the men in her family and could care less if they made all the unpleasant looks that existed. So, she totally disregarded the unpleasant change of expression and glare on Charles' face.

Charles also knew his mother and her ways of doing things. He sighed and nodded briefly, hoping that would be enough to get his mother out of his room so that he could get back to whatever he was doing prior. Without waiting for her reaction, he turned and wheeled himself towards his bathroom. The supposed date was also that same evening, and if he had his way, he would have boycotted it. It was scheduled to be in a couple of hours from then, and he needed to get ready.