Diva La Vida (2)

Jorge then left the rest for Ryan to handle amidst the man's pleas. Only a minute had passed from when Jorge entered the meeting room till he returned to his office.

The man slumped on the ground with a blank look on his face, 'Just how am I supposed to explain this to my superiors? We had made this thorough proposal but, in the end, Mr Trimshaw had not even given us a chance to present it! We failed even before we started!' he thought,

But then he remembered something he had said and turned to Ryan, who patiently waited for him,

"Whom was he referring to? The number twenty-two person?" he asked after he had composed himself,

"Miss Rachael Thompson,"

"What? What had Rachael got to do with our agreement?" he was confused and even more so that she was being addressed by 'a number',