Mummy (3)

Mirabel dashed through the rain in her flip-flops as soon as the car came to a halt and into the crowd of reporters. All it took was for one person to recognise her, and they flashed like crazy!

"Look! The ungrateful daughter is here!"

Someone shouted atop the pouring rain, and the others who were not paying much attention all turned towards her.

She slowed to a walk in her unpractical flip-flops and briskly walked into the hospital. Some few bystanders who had come for the news started throwing objects at her in disdain.

She felt things bob off her body, uncooked eggs cracking on her, small objects, and others, but she did not react one bit. The rains washed some of the filth from her, but others stuck. Mirabel pushed through the crowd with all her might. It took her a few short minutes to make it through, but she felt tired and beaten up with her hair all over the place. None of these showed on her face one bit.