Weekend Plans (2)

"B-ut we never gave an official announcement of your marriage… that may be a valid excuse on their part… Ryan's voice trailed off and got smaller at the end as he added this.

He had worked long enough with Jorge Trimshaw to understand how he operated, but he could still not quite understand this as he tried to put himself in the shoes of the supposed journalists.

"Excuse me?!" Jorge bemused. 

"They should have investigated if they wanted to find out that. The information in the Bureau of Marriage is free for all. Also -" Jorge paused and looked at Ryan square in the face as his clear hazel eyes turned impossibly colder, "my wife's words are mine! And they should know that!"

It took a split second for Ryan to digest what his boss had said… 'How were they supposed to know this fact? It was not like he had been married before?' Ryan contemplated with a roll of his eyes.