Reveal Again! The proof that you were waiting for (1)

Mauricio felt a little discomfort in him and slowly rose as he held her gaze. He engulfed Flora in a tight hug, but she remained limp without returning the hug.

"It won't happen again! Please give me another chance! I am sorry."

'How many chances would I have to give someone like this in my life if we get together? I only require sincerity, and he does not have that. He did not even pretend to hand that over to me…."

Rather than push him away, Flora made up her mind and uttered the words that had him drop his hands from her against her better judgement.

"I should be the one apologizing to you instead, for I accepted Ryan's proposal but only wanted to tell you at the end of the day. As you already have another woman, I don't think I have to say much.