Absence makes the heart grow fonder (3)

'Charles? What is he doing here?' Thalia asked herself as she exchanged a surprised glance with Flora. Among all scenarios, this was the last thing that Thalia had expected waking up that day. The few days spent home had been torturous, to say the least.

She missed him like crazy with each passing second, and just hearing his voice on the phone was not enough. This was in line with how new love felt for many. She had basically built her daily life around him on campus to the point that everything felt amiss without him. He was not a short distance away where she could call him over, or even walk to him like she was used to in the past few months.

Thalia felt herself in a dreamlike state most of the day when her thoughts were occupied one hundred per cent with him to the extent that she would forget that she was in the middle of a task or conversation.