His Family (3)

In the Wanky's residence earlier that day, Joy Wanky, Charles's mother, sat having brunch with her husband.

"Charles is coming home today,"

"It's about time he did. Hasn't the semester been over for a while now?" His father, Ky Wanky harrumphed.

"Give the boy some space." Joy Wanky chimed in.

"He said that he is bringing over his girlfriend today."

"I don't understand, young people nowadays. They choose to date instead of study …."

Joy continued as if she had not heard her husband, "I hope he is dating one of the girls from our circles… I know that several of them are also at Milas University. It will save us a lot of headaches later if he chooses well among the daughters of your business partners…."

To that, Ky Wanky hummed in agreement.

"…Ky, don't you think that Charles has been acting a little weird nowadays… or, more accurately, for the past few months?"