Transaction (1)

After this short meeting with the Wankys, Thalia pretty much kept to herself. She was deeply hurt but had no one to turn to at all. She had no idea what to do. Her hands were pretty much tied, and Thalia truly felt alone in the world where she found herself. 

Even though she told Flora nothing on their calls, Flora started sensing that something was off, but she had no idea what was happening. She made no effort to tell Flora any of the problems she had faced in the Wanky residence so far because she did not want her only friend and sister to worry about something that had no solution.

Charles had come in to talk to her for long periods and convinced her that he would help her re-enrol in school after the baby was weaned off her. Even though Thalia took it with a grain of salt, she reminded herself that they were bound for life, and she had to learn to trust the father of her child, but it was becoming increasingly hard for her to do that.