Transaction (3)

"Thalia? It is really you," the excited male voice said as footsteps approached her. She had been on her way to the parking lot and back to the now dreaded house. 

"Dennis?" Thalia turned to look at the person and, for once, looked a little happy to him,

"Dennis Crab?"

Dennis smiled, looking pleased with himself that Thalia was smiling at him, unlike her hostile reception to him back in their home. In fact, Thalia was also perplexed at her reaction then. She was in a shitty mood, and seeing a remote acquaintance like him was even enough to brighten her day.

That told her how much she had been emotionally down. She tried not to think of the recent events with Charles. Dennis was her neighbour back at her mum's place who had taken an interest in her. The cab driver that she had shunned back at her home. She never regretted her actions, though. If Dennis was surprised at her pregnancy, he never showed it.