
Of course, it all started with Joy once more.

For someone who was named Joy, she really did not live up to her name one bit! When our parents name us, they do so in the hopes that we live up to such names, but for Joy she only spread the opposite in her wake. At least from Thalia and Flora's point of view, where Joy Wanky was, there would be sadness, frustration, anxiety, discontentment, envy and all the negative emotions that could probably exist!

And they were right, for, at that moment, all Joy could think of was that 'Why couldn't it be Eliana…. It would have been perfect!

Joy studied the baby, who was as handsome as could be. For that, she could not deny it. She had a slight disdain when she thought of the fact that the baby was half Thalia and half her son! She studied the baby and then thought, 'Why did he have no resemblance whatsoever to the dad,' and then another thought occurred to her!

"Charles?" She called out,

"Mum, not now."