Ongoing Havoc (4)

Jorge walked up to Mirabel and lightly rubbed her shoulders. Then he asked them, "Doesn't the room have a spare key? Why are you not using it?"

"I- It didn't work, Mr Trimshaw…." Jake filled in. He felt embarrassed that he had failed at his task of managing the young master but was determined to do anything to resolve the situation.

"I think that young master did something to the door, and it's not working."

"Eric, kick down the door," Jorge commanded, and Eric got up from his squatted position opposite the door to do so, but Mirabel stopped him, "Let me try," She walked up to the door and leaned towards it.

Knock, knock, "Collin baby, mummy is here… I'm sorry that I left you all alone. Can you let me in, please?"

She stood patiently for a few minutes with no response. The people around her let out sighs of disappointment, for they had thought that the problem would be solved with Mrs Trimshaw's presence.