Dismiss Him (3)

Mrs Benny stared at her husband in disbelief while he continued, "Since you are refusing to adhere to this, for now, you will only oversee the staff who work on the grounds. I think the fresh autumn air will do you good and help you clear your head!"

"What? How can you say that?" She screamed, but her husband just looked at her indifferently.

"If you were not my wife, you would have been fired a long time ago and not be allowed to continue to disrespect the mistress and the owner of the home. It is also because of the mere fact that YOU ARE MY WIFE that you are given the chance to oversee others instead of being made redundant, so take this time to reflect on your actions. This is me being lenient, and you have been with me long enough to know that I mean what I say… DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE!"