Interview Response (1)

Off the media space, Jorge and Mirabel finally stepped out of a renowned restaurant after a nourishing meal and headed towards their final destination for the day. Mirabel now wore a small stylish overcoat to ward off the autumn chill.

She sat in the backseat of their car with Jorge, Sandy, her assistant in the front passenger seat, and Ryan drove them to their appointment. Liam was nowhere to be found at all.

They soon arrived at the place she knew very well: Reveal Studios. She did not question anything Jorge had done or why they were there, but she knew it was all for her.

In the studio a little later….

"Welcome to the special edition of the show, 'Reveeeeaaaaal!'" Isabella, the renowned host, screamed into the microphone hooked around her head, and the echoes and screams in the audience on the tiny monitors could be heard thundering all around the studio.