After Interview (1) *

Away from the studios and in the Wanky residence, Ky, Charles, and Joy sat in their living room and keenly watched the special episode of Reveal. On this day, Richard Wanky was not around. It would have been surprising for the older couple as they knew that Richard would never skip the show of his favourite person in the world, Isabella.

But they were too preoccupied with their thoughts to notice this small detail. The little night snacks served in front of them were forgotten and remained untouched as they all watched the program intently.

Despite the early evening, Ivy had already retired to bed as she could not stand to look at any of the people in the house for long periods for their hypocrisy.

Over the few days, she had spent in their home, she had noticed a lot of subtilities that were incomprehensible. Joy treated her right as she wanted to encourage the relationship between her and Charles, but Ivy knew it only ended there.