Playhouse (4)

"Let's go take a look at your gift, too," She felt a tantalizing murmur brush against her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine.

"M-my g-ift? What gift?" Her expression was truly priceless. 

"It's not my birthday yet. Mine was in March…." She asked in surprise, narrowing her eye subtly as well. The surprise emotion had never once fallen off her since she had arrived at the playhouse. Other emotions were just added and taken away at different moments. 

"I know," With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin and planted a soft kiss on her lips, leaving her heart racing and her mind spinning with delight despite everything.

'Jorge sure has a way with his women!' Then she chastised herself, asking why her thoughts were going along those lines.

"So, why? What's the occasion? Besides, I have received enough gifts from you, I don't have room for any more."

Jorge chuckled and signalled Eric to get the car ready as they got out.