Can I? (1)

With that one statement from Ky, the issue looked to have been cemented. No other repercussions were considered at all. It was as if Collin was not a Wanky one minute, and the next, he was.

No questions asked, no fingers pointed, no one blamed; well, not entirely but at that moment, it was what it was. Joy unfortunately found herself at the short end of the stick this time. The wheels in her mind kept rolling and rolling trying to think of anything that would get her out of the predicament she found herself with in that moment with her family. She knew her husband the most and she feared what he might do if she let the situation be as it was.

She stood still, trying to get to the bottom of whatever she had gotten herself into, an almost desperate look passing over her. Just as her mind went blank and she ran out of options, she put her mind back to the days when Charles had brought his girlfriend to the house.