Keith Wanky

This all took quite a while to sink in for the audience. In the moderate-sized room, some uninvited reported were still spilling in, some then hovering around the doorway as the room could not fit anymore people. All that commotion and noise caused by all these people came to an abrupt stillness. The reporters exchanged glances, not really sure of what to even ask after being shown the said picture, even with Ky's supposed explanation.

Joy squirmed in her seat.

'These reporters are weird. Don't they know how to do their jobs?' Her eyes fleeted over the crowd, raking her memories to check if they were the same people from their first press conference. Her frown deepened, and she couldn't help but wonder,

'Shouldn't they be asking questions by now? They should be curious, at least, right? No, I think that they should understand us by now. We are only trying to explain our side of the story to them. What's with this weird atmosphere?'