This is why he would never look at you! (2)

Eliana gasped and, for a moment, could not understand the words he had spoken. She was still a little dazed from the intense kiss they had shared; struggling to return to reality until she heard the snickers from the other girls in the room. Then she felt like digging a hole to bury herself in it. It was too humiliating! Nothing like she had ever felt before!

When Eliana had left her residence hotel earlier, she only had one thing in mind: to convince Mauricio to help her get at least one meeting with Jorge. All she needed was that one meeting, and she guaranteed or convinced herself that Jorge would start to look at her.

She was already familiar with Mauricio, and that was why she was very positive that he would help her. They had once met overseas from whence she had come from with Rose. She somewhat considered Mauricio less of a friend and more than an acquaintance.