I have my own demons haunting me

This went on for a while, making Isabella start to doubt her sanity, but then that only made her start to pay particular attention to her surroundings. Isabella would lay out lingerie to take a bath and would come out to find it gone in her locked apartment. 

She was the only one staying in her apartment and she shared the keys with no one too. At first, she thought, 'It must be old age. Maybe, I never put it here,' but then, after about three or four times, she realized that she had someone watching her patiently, and it creeped her out. 

Who wouldn't be creeped out by that? Something getting constantly missing from a locked room that you shared with no one? 

She had thought of getting a CCTV inhouse but if the person was watching, he would see they are located. 

Finally, she had had enough, and that day she had met Mauricio, she had officially made a complaint at the police station, but they claimed they would investigate it.