Breeze Collection

In the days following, Mirabel felt like a calm had settled on her soul. She had no idea of Fera's predicament. Even if Mirabel did know those minute details, there was a doubt that she would have stepped in for the woman.

She, herself, still had lingering emotional wounds inflicted by her mother in her later years. It was sad that Mrs Monic Thebes had never had the chance or, more accurately, had chosen not to see her only grandchild before she had left the world of the living. No matter how Mirabel thought of it, it did not make sense! Therefore, like Jorge, her views of mothers, from hers to his and then to Joy, were totally skewed. 

Nonetheless, the problems caused by Fera's mothering were on a different scale. Mirabel never spared her thoughts on such a woman! She knew how much she loved her son, Collin Tony, to bits, and Mirabel could never envision a world without her precious baby. How some mothers managed to come to such a decision was just beyond her.