Unveiling the Chalets (2)

Jorge had not come empty-handed; in his hands was a bouquet of diverse flowers so large that it nearly obscured his face. He carried them himself, refusing to let Ryan or anyone else touch them.

At this time, it was only Mauricio who was green with envy. Initially, he only had to worry about Jorge and his new wife but then after Ryan also got married, he had turned into a different person who could not complete one sentence without mentioning his wife. That stung like hell for Mauricio, but what could he do? The two men whom he had initially rolled with had turned into very different people upon meeting their better halves.

As Sandy predicted, Mirabel brightened instantly. All the worry lines also disappeared as soon as she laid eyes on her husband.

"Congrats, my Diva," Jorge whispered, bending down and pecking her lips. All the people around them were so used to their public displays of affection that they felt like it was an everyday activity.