Reverse Stalking (3)

The words, even though they had been said by him, sounded strange to Mauricio, for these were words that he had never mentioned in his life and one that he had thought that he would never use. Yet he said out of his own free will, and as rare as it was for Mauricio, he meant every word that fell from his lips.

Deep down, these words shocked him, too. He had said them before his brain fully processed what it meant to be married and tied down to just one person. He did not want to dwell on the 'for the rest of his life' part at that moment, though.

However, if Mauricio had thought that Isabella would jump up at the offer like most of the women he had met in his life, Mauricio was solely wrong, for Isabella was not his average girl, nope! Not at all.

Isabella burst out laughing, "Hahahahahahaaaaa! What did you say? Marry? Me?" She pointed a delicate manicure at herself.