Chapter 12, Getting Beaten Up_1

Yang You is in her second year of high school and won't have a holiday until the weekend after tomorrow. With Meng Xiao not around, Yang Yi willingly went back home.

He happened to arrive at dinner time, so the family of four sat down at the dining table for a reunion meal.

Overjoyed, Yang Yi's father brought out a bottle of wine that he had been collecting for several years.

Yang Yi's mother, upon seeing this, personally cooked a variety of dishes to complement the wine.

"Dad, this is to you."

Yang Yi stood up to pour the wine. Since his father handed over their business in France to him, he hadn't been able to chat with his father for a while. Today, his father was free, and they could talk about work. He intended to stay directly in the company and not study abroad.

"You've been doing well in the company for over a year, and the elders are quite satisfied with you. This period is crucial, so don't get complacent. Work for a few more years, and once your sister is in university and family matters are settled, you can take over the company. Your mother and I will go out and travel." Yang Yi's father nodded and clinked glasses with Yang Yi.

"While busy with business, you shouldn't neglect your personal life. Don't slack off over the next few years. If you meet a girl you like, put some effort into pursuing her. Your mother and I are not old-fashioned, as long as you like her, we can accept her."

Yang Yi's mother nodded in agreement, "The other day, I went out for tea and ran into Uncle Li and his daughter. That girl is a third-year student in the oil painting department at the Art University. If you don't have a girl you like, I'll arrange for you to have dinner together in a few days. You should get to know her."

Yang Yi wanted to decline this… matchmaking attempt.

"Mom, stop trying to arrange dates for my brother. He already has a girlfriend, and they've been together for almost three years." Upon sensing something was off, Yang You quickly intervened to stop her mother, inadvertently outing her brother's secret.

Yang Yi shot Yang You a dark glance. He'd given her a hefty allowance a few days ago, and she'd turned on him so quickly.

Yang You cheekily stuck out her tongue at him. She was doing him a favour, preventing him from going on a blind date.

On hearing that their son had a girlfriend, Yang Yi's mother was all excited. Yang Yi's father pretended to drink his wine while secretly listening in.

"So you really have a girlfriend? Why haven't you brought her home to meet us yet?" They weren't that type of conservative parents to nitpick about their son's girlfriend.

Yang Yi let out an affirmative hum, acknowledging that he had a girlfriend. "She's also studying oil painting at the Art University, in her third year."

"Exactly, that girl is really nice. Dad, you have no idea. At first, my brother pretended to be poor and in debt, and it was that girl who worked to support him and helped him repay his debts." Yang You, seeing that Yang Yi wasn't angry, grew bolder and shared all she knew.

"Just think about it, given today's societal norms, a girl willing to make sacrifices and stick with my brother must genuinely love him."

Having been there for each other when they were young and built up the family business together, Yang Yi's parents didn't impose any grand rules on their children. As long as the person was good, they wouldn't judge her based on family background or origin.

So, in the eyes of Yang Yi and Yang You, character was what mattered most. Yang You, without knowing the full story, felt Meng Xiao was truly good, and their parents would surely like Meng Xiao too.

Hearing this, Yang Yi's father shook his head in disagreement while his mother frowned.

"That's not right—you shouldn't deceive others by hiding your true family background." Sooner or later, the girl would find out about his reality. How would she react then? Who would willingly let themselves be tricked this way?

Yang You, supported by their parents, went on exaggerating the story before turning to stick her tongue out at a non-reactive Yang Yi. She vented all her disgruntlement of the past few days.

"A few days ago, it was the lady's birthday, and my brother gave her the gift I received when I was shopping. She's still in the dark believing my brother is poor."

This was even more unacceptable. Yang Yi's father reprimanded him, "If you have reservations in your heart, don't force yourself to be together. And you certainly shouldn't intentionally drag her down."

Yang Yi quickly declared his feelings: "Dad, I'm sincere towards her."

Yang You did not buy it. Her brother was seriously in need of some schooling. She intended to spill all of his wrongdoings to rally their parents to educate him to treat his girlfriend better in the future.

"Alright, don't be upset. Since our son truly loves her, we should invite her over when there's a chance, so she can come over and play whenever she's free in the future." Yang Yi's mother consoled his father. She also felt that their son was in the wrong. How could he lie to his girlfriend?


Yang Yi grunted. The situation was progressing faster than he expected. Initially, he planned to introduce Meng Xiao to his parents once he had recovered the bracelet she took. But now that Yang You revealed everything, his initial plan had to be fast-tracked.

Yang You had achieved her goal. Nestled against her mother, she happily munched on some fruit. She knew all along her brother must really like his girlfriend. Now, she could proudly consider herself a lieutenant in front of her future sister-in-law.

The son came home for dinner, unexpectedly bringing his girlfriend with him. Dad Yang happily drank a few more cups before Mom Yang named him, prompting him to put down his wine glass.

Looking at his parents' affection in front of him, thinking about how he and Meng Xiao will also live like this in the future, Yang Yi's originally depressed mood gradually improved.

This isn't so bad either.

She suffered a lot in the first half of her life; he can protect her in the second half.


Meng Xiaoshou was in the hospital, Meng Xun woke up at night, ate a few minutes, and fell asleep again, grasping her sleeve tightly in his hand.

In Meng Xiao's memory, he always hated studying, made trouble and caused countless headaches. Their dad once said that if Meng Xun behaved a little better, he would send him to live with their grandmother.

But his stepmother was afraid he would go astray, so she kept him by her side to educate him.

Meng Xun was originally well cared for by his stepmother. In Meng Xiao's memory, he was always round and chubby, his face like a white bun.

Back then, every bit of fat on his body represented the poverty Meng Xiao experienced living with their grandmother.

So after handling the affairs of their late father and stepmother, Meng Xiao knew that the house was registered under Meng Xun's name. She never came back after returning to school.

Three months later, the police station called and told her that she was Meng Xun's guardian.

She had no choice but to come back and see him. Meng Xiao almost didn't recognize Meng Xun, who had become so thin and gaunt. His old clothes hung off him like a sack.

Only after seeing her did he start to look a little more human.

Now, the boy was still thin, already towering over her at 190 cm tall. His face was so swollen that she hadn't yet had a clear look at what Meng Xun looked like now.

A nurse quietly came into the room, made a facial expression at Meng Xiao, and motioned for her to come out for a conversation.

As soon as Meng Xiao made a move, Meng Xun woke up, held onto her sleeve in a daze, preventing her from leaving.

"Sister, don't leave..."

Meng Xiao sighed and comforted, "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

The boy, unsure, opened his eyes wide to watch her leave.

As soon as Meng Xiao stepped out, the nurse led her to a quieter room, where two police officers and an older man stood.

"This is Meng Xun's sister." The nurse introduced.

The gentleman politely introduced himself, "Hello, I am Meng Xun's homeroom teacher, my surname is Ma. These two are police officers investigating Meng Xun's case."

Meng Xiao greeted them one by one, and the nurse left.

"Miss Meng, our school has been trying to reach you for a while, but Meng Xun said you were studying abroad, so we came to speak with you today." Mr. Ma smiled kindly. The other two explained their purpose for the unexpected visit.

Meng Xun's behavior had been strange for about half a year. He used to board at school, but he stopped and began to skip classes frequently. This time, he didn't show up for a whole week. The teacher couldn't find him. If it weren't for this incident, they probably wouldn't have seen Meng Xun at all.

"This time, it's strange that things happened to Meng Xun. Normal punk quarrels wouldn't result in heavy hands, but Meng Xun's injuries are severe now. He must've had past grudges with those punks," said Meng Xun's homeroom teacher. He informed Meng Xiao about Meng Xun's situation: "Of course the school will protect students, but Miss Meng, I hope you can ask Meng Xun who beat him, helps the police work."

Meng Xiao nodded, and Mr. Ma didn't linger. After sending the policemen out, he folded back and the two bumped into each other again outside the ward.

"Miss Meng, I couldn't say too much in front of the police just now. After Meng Xun's abnormal behavior, his classmates privately said that they saw him interacting with some people from the underworld." Mr. Ma spoke in a roundabout manner, but Meng Xiao understood his implication from his expression.

"I understand Mr. Ma, I will find out about this matter." Meng Xiao acknowledged, promising to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Getting involved in the underworld is not the same as hanging around with thugs.